Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stamped Concrete Retaining Wall Which Do You Think Is Better? Brick Or Concrete Retaining Wall?

Which Do You Think Is Better? Brick or Concrete Retaining Wall? - stamped concrete retaining wall

The wife and I are planning a wall 5.8 meters (50 feet wide) at the foot of the hill, built in our garden to the ground (after filling behind the wall.) First of all thoughts of the bricks, because I personally would be better to think. But she said it was very expensive and should perhaps be sought in the actual (possibly colors and patterns.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of both methods and what would you do?
That's what the lawn looks like:
(Fill here)
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awake said...

Water is more likely that the rocks, washing the sand behind him. Or freezing and cracking of the joints between the bricks. If there is a lot of rain or storms in your area, go with concrete.

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