Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whippet I Am Looking For A Black-faced Whippet Puppy. Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find One?

I am looking for a black-faced whippet puppy. Does anyone know where I can find one? - whippet

Our greyhounds died recently and I want another greyhound. It was a mix, but it was 100% whippet, his face black and gray / black body. I think before the black dog breeders raise. I have no idea about the price. Seeking a bitch. Any help? Thank you.


DaBasset do not feed trolls said...

Since the breeder is not good at not specifically to the black race, is all we can do to continue to watch and see what is likely to produce the lines.

This is an interesting site about the genetics of coat color in whippets
http://www.runswiftwhippets.com/Genetics ...

whpptwmn said...

The whippet breed normally with little thought of the color marks in particular. I am not trapped in the paint, I do not think I've ever seen a greyhound with a gray body and black head. White body and black head, yes, but it may take years looking for a puppy the right color, which is available for purchase. The color does not matter at all, and I hate it when the buyers of the puppies are all placed on a particular color. You can not replace the pet you lost.

Expect to pay $ 500 to $ 700 for the ways a pet puppy. Go to a show or a breeder of race, few people breeding for money and I would stay away from them. I'm coming baby, but I do not know where you live, and not the ship.

Good research breeders in your area here.

http: / / Www.americanwhippetclub.net /

What genetic color Miriam recently visited the site very interesting, which has spent many hours for it.

shortsta... said...

thriftynickel try to print ads. You can also, and I have hundreds puppyfind.com imagaine You can use the photos that you may be able to look to find one. Patience is required but it is the right one. But believe me, it's worth and hope. In fact, it was for my son.
In the event, you can always let your local animal shelter or veterinarian knows what you are looking for and perhaps by coincidence, it is true.
Good Luck

margo said...

No, unfortunately not seen the documents of the ads is all that I can recommend.

S C said...

and because farmers are not a black face, which again will find a mix breed.

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